all alone... will be sent far across the galaxy on a mission to research a mysterious planet. Where will you end up?
The Ultimate Hunt is now live! All solvers get access to an exclusive generative NFT. Tap to start, or join us on Discord or Twitter if you have questions.

What are DexoWorlds?

DexoWorlds are NFT collectibles of 11,008 planets orbiting around 2,500 stars that live in the fictional Veran Way Galaxy. Created by astrophysics students, the entire galaxy and its contents are procedurally generated— this includes its map, stars, and planets. This means that each pixelated planet has its own unique properties: color scheme, pattern, rings, moons, life, and more! The main goal behind DexoWorlds is to fill the space that lies between science, art, and decentralized technology, tying into our ultimate vision of “50% science, 50% art”. We hope that our CNFTs and Discord community can make astronomy and astrophysics fun and feel accessible to everyone.

Is there any real science here?

Some, yes. The concept of DexoWorlds is based upon the scientific field of Exoplanet Searches and Characterization. The types of stars you can find, including their properties (like mass, surface temperature, color, etc.) are all based on what you might actually find in a typical spiral galaxy. In addition, the locations of the planets around these stars determine if conditions are right for there to be liquid water and potentially life on each planet. In terms of the colors, rings, and moons, well, we took some artistic liberties. In all, DexoWorlds are 50% science and 50% art!

Policy ID: 862cd06c4504de6114a29e0b863751ee84ad455493d43aeeb727d896

DexoWorlds StarMap

🪐  Phase 1: The Age of Exploration

✅ [06/21] Procedurally generate the Veran Way Galaxy
✅ [06/21] Beta test the mint system
✅ [06/21] Launch the Great Hunt
🎉 [07/21] Launch DexoWorlds
✅ [07/21] Add wallet feature to website
✅ [08/21] Launch Discord Dexobot
✅ [08/21] Launch Small SPO Collaboration
🎉 [09/21] DexoWorlds sold out
🎓️ [12/21] DexoWorlds goes for a PhD

⭐️  Phase 2: The Age of Stars

✅ [01/22] Generate stars metadata
✅ [03/22] Create star metadata
✅ [04/22] Render Stars assets
✅ [05/22] Update website wallet to work with stars
✅ [09/22] Build the DexoStar forge
✅ [07/22] Redesign website from the ground up
🎉 [07/22] Integrate and other matketplaces into the website
🎉 [08/22] DexoWorlds 1-year anniversary surprise
🎉 [08/22] Launch the Ultimate Hunt
🎉 [08/22] Launch the new website
⏳️ [??] Launch DexoStars Forge

🚀  Phase 3: The Age of Travelers

💥 [??] Most massive stars should start to evolve
⏳️ [??] Implement co-evolution of DexoStars
© 2025 DexoWorlds